Community Midwives

The midwife will be involved in your care from the start of pregnancy until twenty eight days following delivery. 

The Midwife will be involved in your care from the start of pregnancy until twenty-eight days following delivery. For referral to the midwifery service, you can complete the online referral form at  or contact the Community Midwives on 01925 662092

Community Nurses

The nurse team is based at Orford Park and are involved in giving highly skilled care to patients. A wide variety of needs are met, ie: post operative care, wound dressings, giving injections, taking blood and providing palliative care. They also liaise with other agencies, Macmillan Nurses and the hospital discharge planning facilitator. They can be contacted on 01925 251308 – at certain times you will need to leave a message on the answerphone.

Health Visitors

A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical, social wellbeing and feeding issues.

Each child under 5 years of age has an allocated health visitor who will visit new mothers at home within 14days of delivery.

Health Visitors can be contacted on : 01925 251514 or 01925 867928


Health visitor clinics are located across the town. Please see link below for further information


For information, advice and support about breast/bottle feeding please see the link below:

Attached Staff


Citizens Advice provide free confidential advice and information to people about debt, housing, benefits/entitlements, legal and other problems. Warrington CAB is based at the Gateway on Sankey Street. They also visit our surgery and you can book an appointment with Citizens Advice through our receptionists or alternatively contact them directly on 01925 246994

Further information can be found at

Referrals on hold due to Covid-19

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